It’s All Done With Mirrors
I am a Marriage & Family Therapist in Upland and I coined this phrase as my philosophy to life. When I was a child, I used to hear, “It’s all done with mirrors” to explain magic tricks you would see in person or on TV. It meant that it’s not really magic, but an illusion. As I was growing up and developing an adult self, I questioned how and why people (namely me) had the personal and relational distress we experienced. It all seemed so mysterious, how relational events ebbed and flowed, and I felt powerless in and victimized by these events. Then I met my therapist. Because of her skill, insight and caring, I began to strip away the emotional layers I collected in all my previous years which formatted these perceptions. As I did, the landscape of my life opened up and my potential became accessible. I began to see that I could author my destiny in a real and tangible way.
I am a Marriage & Family Therapist in Upland and I coined this phrase as my philosophy to life. When I was a child, I used to hear, “It’s all done with mirrors” to explain magic tricks you would see in person or on TV. It meant that it’s not really magic, but an illusion. As I was growing up and developing an adult self, I questioned how and why people (namely me) had the personal and relational distress we experienced. It all seemed so mysterious, how relational events ebbed and flowed, and I felt powerless in and victimized by these events. Then I met my therapist. Because of her skill, insight and caring, I began to strip away the emotional layers I collected in all my previous years which formatted these perceptions. As I did, the landscape of my life opened up and my potential became accessible. I began to see that I could author my destiny in a real and tangible way.